Global financial firm realizes 66% reduction in cost
A global financial firm had embarked on digital transformation journey where it leveraged Kubernetes (K8s) and a public cloud platform to develop its next generation of financial services applications. A global financial realized potential for 3x utilization increase and 66% reduction in multi-k8s fleet footprint.
In order to modernize applications, the company had adopted K8s as a Infrastructure abstraction layer allowing for rapid development on public cloud and subsequent production deployment in on-premise datacenters.
As the company expanded its use of Kubernetes, they quickly discovered that capacity management, operational management was quite complex in a multi-Kubernetes cluster environment with many of their clusters running at barely 20% utilization. As the projects ramped up, this low utilization started resulting in cloud waste and became a cost problem.
After a multi-month thorough evaluation, the company realized that CloudNatix can help automate capacity and operation optimization their Kubernetes clusters driving up utilization to upwards of 60% or 3x which resulted in 66% of hard cost reduction or $4.5M over 3 years.
We discovered that the bottom line was CloudNatix improved human and machine efficiency across clusters and dramatically accelerated lagging digital transformation projects.